Green Key
Green Key
Mora Hotell & Spa is certified according to Green Key criteria.
Mora Hotell & Spa wants to offer its guests an experience where sustainability permeates and is a natural part of the daily work. We are committed to preventing and reducing the environmental impact of our operations and work actively with continuous improvements regarding our sustainability work, e.g. by formulating annual goals. We focus on educating and informing both staff and guests in the field of environment and sustainability in order to achieve increased environmental awareness and commitment.

Our greatest direct environmental impact comes from our consumption of resources such as energy, water and waste. We strive to actively reduce our consumption of energy and water and work with waste minimization and source sorting. We use 100% renewable electricity produced by solar, wind & water as well as more efficient technology for resources. We measure and monitor our environmental performance regularly, e.g. by measuring water, electricity and energy consumption.
We also have a large indirect environmental impact in the form of the purchasing choices we make, e.g. current foods and chemicals. We undertake to buy locally produced, eco-labeled and seasonal food in our restaurant as much as possible, minimize food waste and buy eco-labeled cleaning products.
In addition to this, we will work for social sustainability in our immediate area, where locally is a core value together with suppliers for staff and guests.
We comply with laws, rules and requirements through our commitment to Green Key, we encourage other players and guests to do the same.
Creating a sustainable hospitality industry and inspiring other actors, suppliers, staff and guests to get involved in environmental & sustainability issues is something that Mora Hotell & Spa wants.
Green key is an internationally leading eco-label in the tourism industry.
Green key helps us to work with sustainability issues and to reduce our environmental impact with tools and training to certify our business.
Mora on 31/3 2021
Site manager
Petter Lund